Jo Hicks has been riding bicycles for ten years now, and had been riding DH for four years. Jo was one of the original females on the DH scene, and made it a much less intimidating arena for others women to enter. Jo is an artist and high school art teacher by trade, and teaches at a private girls school in Durban North. Jo’s a regular on the podium and is known for being very laid back and chilled, supportive of everyone and has a fantastic riding style. And awesome hair.

Jo didn’t mention her Top 3 Achievements, but I can say that Jo has recently been taking on a lot more air time, tackling jumps and committing to…dare I say it…cadence classes! Brave in many ways, it will be great to have Jo sliding down the hill with the rest of us.

Jo’s recently resprayed bike with custom artwork is a: 2010 Trek Session 88
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